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List of Publications

Books, Reviews

  1. G. Dagan, ''Flow and Transport in Porous Formations '', 465 p., Springer-Verlag Heidelberg Berlin New York, 1989

  2. B. Yaron, G. Dagan and J. Goldshmid (editors): Pollutants in Porous Media (selected papers of a Symposium at Bet Dagan, Israel), Ecological Studies Volume 47, 296 p., Springer-Verlag Heidelberg Berlin New York, 1984.

  3. Theory of transport by groundwater, Annual Reviews of Fluid Mechanics, 19, 183-215, 1987.

  4. G. Dagan, U. Hornung and P. Knaber (editors): Mathematical Modeling for Flow and Transport Through Porous Media, Kluver Academic Publishers, Dordrecht Boston London, 1991

  5. D. Russo, G. Dagan (editors): Water Flow and Solute Transport in soils, Developments and Applications, Advances Series in Agricultural Sciences 20, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 306 p., 1993.

  6. G. Dagan, S.P. Neuman (editors): Subsurface Flow and Transport: A Stochastic Approach}. International Hydrology Series, Cambridge University Press, 241 p., 1997

  7. G. Dagan, A. Fioriand I. Jankovic, , article in Vol. 5 "Ecological Processes" of "Encyclopedia of Ecology", pp. 3575-3582, Oxford-Elsevier, 2008.

Papers in proceedings of international congresses and symposia

  1. (With J. Bear), Intercepting fresh water above the interface in a coastal aquifer, I.A.S.H., Publ. No. 64, pp. 154-180, 1963.

  2.  The accuracy of the solutions of unsteady flow toward a well, Proc. of the National Symp. on Ground-Water Hydrology at San-Francisco, pp.169-175, 1967.

  3.  The validity of Dupuit solution of ground-water flow, presented at 49th Annual Meeting of American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, April, 1968.

  4.  (With M.P. Tulin), The flow of a plastic soil beneath a rigid wheel, Presented at the First International Congress of Vehicle Mechanics, Detroit, July 1968.

  5.  Some aspects of heat and mass transfer in porous media, Proc. Symp.on Transport Phenomena in Porous Media, Haifa, pp. 55-64, 1969.

  6.  The simulation of the movement of an interface between salt and fresh waters in a coastal aquifer by the aid of an RC analog, Proc. of the XIIIth Congress of the International Assoc. for Hydraulic Research, 4, pp. 111-121, 1969.

  7.  (With M.P. Tulin) On free-surface flow with gravity past blunt ship bows and the bow resistance, Proceedings 12th ITTC Rome, pp. 172-175, 1969.

  8.  (With M.P. Tulin) On free-surface nonlinear effects near blunt bow ships, Proc. of the 8th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Pasadena, Calif. pp. 607-626, 1970.

  9.  (With U. Kroszinsky), Drainage of a vertical column, Symp. on Soil Water Physics and Technology, Rehovot, Israel, 1971, in Ecological Studies, No. 4, Springer-Verlag, pp. 17-29, 1973.

  10.  Nonlinear ship wave theory, Proc. of the 9th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, pp. 1697-1737, Paris, 1972.

  11.  Nonlinear wave-resistance and coordinate straining, Paper No. 12, International Seminar on Wave Resistance, Kansai, Japan, 1976.

  12.  (With T. Miloh), Flow past oscillating bodies at resonant frequency, Proc. of the 13th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Tokyo, 1980.

  13.  (with E. Bresler), Modeling of water flow and solute transport in unsaturated heterogeneous fields, Proc. Symp. Unsaturated Flow and Transport Modeling, pp.159-177, Seattle, Wash., 1981.

  14.  (with E. Bresler), Solute transport in soil at field scale, Ecological Studies 47, pp. 17-26, Springer Verlag, 1984.

  15.  Stochastic modelling of solute transport by groundwater flow: state of the art, Proc. of the Symposium on Relation of Groundwater Quantity and Quality Hamburg 1983, IAHS Publ. 146, pp. 191-101.

  16. (with T. Miloh), A study of nonlinear wave resistance by a Zakharov type integral equation, Proc. Fifteenth Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Natl. Academy Press, pp. 373-384, 1985.

  17.  (with V. V. Nguyen and E. Springer), Analysis of transport in the upper soil layer and interpretation of the caisson experiments, Proceedings of the First International Conference Focus 89: Nuclear waste isolation in the unsaturated zone, Las Vegas, Published by ANS and ASCE, pp. 233-240, 1989.

  18.  (with D. Russo and E. Bresler), Effects of spatial variability upon subsurface transport of solutes from nonpoint sources, Proc. International Symposium on Water Quality Modeling of Agricultural Non-Point Sources, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, ARS-81, pp. 523-549, 1990.

  19.  (with P. Indelman), On numerical simulation of flow through heterogeneous formations in Computational Methods in Subsurface Hydrology, Proc. Eighth Intern. Conf. Computational Methods in Water Resources, Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton and Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 445-454, 1990.

  20.  On transport in a formation of large heterogeneity scales, Proceedings of the International Conference and Workshop on Transport and Mass Exchange Processes in Sand and Gravel Aquifers, Ottawa, Publ. AECL 10308, pp. 404-418, 1990.

  21.  (with V. V. Nguyen and E. Springer), Analysis of caisson transport experiments by travel time approach, in Field-Scale Solute and Water Transport through Soil, K. Roth et al (editors), Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, 1991.

  22.  Modeling of sea water intrusion in coastal aquifers: theory and applications, in Salt Water Intrusiun and Protection Research, Institute of Geography, Chinese Academy of Science, pp. 114-125, 1991 (in Chinese).

  23.  Shallow free-surface flows in heterogeneous porous media, , T. Miloh (editor), SIAM, Philadelphia, pp. 417-424, 1991.

  24.  (with V. V. Nguyen and E. Springer), Analysis of solute transport in an intermediate-scale unsaturated flow experiment, Proceedings of Second International Conference on High Level Radioactive Waste Management, Las Vegas, Published by ANS and ASCE, pp. 837-844, 1991.

  25.  Modeling of sea water intrusion in coastal aquifers: theory and applications, in Water Use Efficiency in Agriculture, Proceedings of the binational China-Israel Workshop, pp. 150-163, Priel Publishers, Rechovot, 1992.

  26.  The Bresler-Dagan model of flow and transport: recent theoretical developments, in and Advances Series in Agricultural Sciences 20, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp. 13-32, 1993.

  27.  A few aspects of stochastic modelling of groundwater contamination due to a nuclear power plant accident, Proc. Internatl. Workshop on Hydrological Considerations in Relation to Nuclear Power Plants, Paris Sept.1992, pp. 122-130, UNESCO, Paris, 1993.

  28.  (with V. Cvetkovic), Effect of nonlinear sorption on contamination/remediation of heterogeneous aquifers, Proceedings of the IAHR Symposium on transport and reactive processes in aquifers, Zurich, Switzerland, April 11-15, 1994. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 405-410, 1994.

  29.  Upscaling of Dispersion Coefficients in Transport through Heterogeneous Formations, Computational Methods in Water Resources X, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Vol. 1, pp. 431-440, 1994.

  30.  Natural sciences versus engineering sciences: the case of hydrology and the role of the stochastic approach, Proceedings of The 8th Stockholm Water Symposium, 10-13 August 1998, pp.23-35, SIWI report 3, Stockholm, Sweden, 1998.

  31.  Effective, equivalent and apparent properties of heterogeneous media, , Proc. 20th International Congress Theor. Appl. Mech., H. Aref and J.W.Phillips (eds), Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp.473-485, 2001.

  32.  An overview of stochastic modeling of groundwater flow and transport: from theory to applications , EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 83, (53), 31.12.2002.

  33.  Flow and transport in highly heterogeneous formations: conceptual uncertainty and solutions for a multi-indicator permeability structure(Proceedings of ModelCARE ‘2002, Prague, 17-20 June 2002), IAHS Publ. No. 277, pp. 95-101, 2003.

  34.  Modelling of regional-scale well-flow in heterogeneous aquifers: 2-D or not 2-D?, (Proceedings of ModelCARE 2005), IAHS Publ. No. 304, pp215-219, 2005.

  35.  Application of stochastic modeling to numerical solution of groundwater flow: transmissivity upscaling,(Proceedings of ModelCARE 2007), IAHS Publ. No. 320, pp34-38, 2007.

  36.  The Impact of Field Data Acquisition Methodology upon Prediction of Transport in the   Made Aquifer, Procedia Environmental Sciences, 663-670, DOI10.1016/j.proenv.2013.06.075,  2013.


  1. Discussion of ''Side Channel Spillway Design'', by H.S. Ferney and Markus, Proc. ASCE, Journal of Hydr. Div., 88, No. 6, pp. 227-231, 1962.

  2. Discussion of ''The steady flow of precipitation to an infinite series of tile drains above an impervious layer'', by E.J. List, Journal of Geoph. Res., 69, No. 22, 1964.

  3.  Discussion of ''Initial motion problems in porous media'', J.A. Liggett and C. Hajitheodorou, Proc. ASCE, Journal of Hydr. Div., 91, No. 6, pp. 221-223, 1965.

  4.  Discussion of ''Transient design of drainage systems'', by J.V. Schilfgaarde, Proc. ASCE, Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Div., Vol.92, No. 1, pp. 111-112, 1966.

  5.  Discussion of ''Steady state theories for drainage'', by D. Kirkham, Proc. ASCE, Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division, 92, No. 4, pp. 82-84, 1966.

  6.  Discussion of ''A stochastic-conceptual analysis of one dimensional ground water flow in non uniform homogeneous media'', by R.A. Freeze, Water Resources Research, 12, No. 3, pp. 567, 1976.

  7.  Discussion of ''Scattering of water waves of a pair of semi-infinite barriers'', by P.LK. Liu, Trans. ASME, 43, No. 2, p. 378, 1976.

  8.  Comment on ''Theory of flow in unconfined aquifers by integrodifferential equations'', by I. Herrera et al, Water Resour. Res., Vol. 15, No. 3, p. 732, 1979.

  9.  Comment on ''Stochastic modeling of mass transport in a random velocity field'' by Tang et al, Water Resour. Res., 19, No. 4, pp.1049-1052, 1983.

  10.  (with E. Bresler) Comment on ''Flux-averaged and volume averaged concentration in continuum approaches to solute transport'' by J. C. Parker and M. Th. van Genuchten, Water Resour. Res., 21, No. 8, 1299-1300, 1985.

  11.  Comment on ''A note on the recent natural gradient tracer test at the Borden Site'' by R.L. Naff, T.-c. Jim Yeh, and M.W. Kemblowski, Water Resour. Res., 25(12), 2521-2522, 1989.

  12.  Comment on ''Stochastic analysis of nonstationary subsurface solute transport, 1, Unconditional moments by W. Graham and D. McLaughlin, Water Resour. Res., 26(8), 1849-1850, 1990.

  13.  Contribution to discussion of ''A density-dependent flow and transport analysis of the effects of groundwater development in a freshwater lens of limited areal extent: the Geneva area (Florida, U.S.A.) case study, by Panday et al (1993)'', Journ. Contaminant Hydrology, 18, 332-334, 1995.

  14.  Comment on ``Nonreactive and reactive solute transport in three-dimensional heterogeneous porous media: Mean displacement, plume spreading, and uncertainty'' by T.D. Burr, E.A. Sudicky, and R.L. Naff, Water Resour. Res., 31, 1439-1441, 1995.

  15.  Comment on ''Renormalization group analysis of macrodispersion in a directed random flow'' U. Jaekel and H. Vereecken, Water Resour. Res., 34(11), 3197-3198, 1998.

  16.  Comment on 'Exact averaging of stochastic equations for transport in random velocity field', and 'Probability density functions for solute transport in random field' by M. Shvidler and K . Karasaki, Transport in Porous Media, 55(1), 113-116, 2004

  17.  On the application of stochastic modeling of groundwater flow and transport, Contribution to Forum on The State of Stochastic Hydrology, Stoch. Envir. Res. And Risk Ass., 18, 266-267, 2004.

  18.  (with A. Fiori and I. Jankovic), Comment on "Asymptotic dispersion in 2D heterogeneous porous media determined by parallel numerical simulations'' by J. R. de Dreuzy et al., Res. Res., , , No: ,  

  19.  Fiori A., G. Dagan, and I. Jankovic, Comment on ‘‘Comparison of Fickian and temporally  nonlocal transport theories over many scales in an exhaustively sampled sandstone slab’’ by Major et al. Water Res. Res, 48, W07801, doi:10.1029/2011WR011706, 2012

Papers in scientific journals

  1. (with Wisner, P., Triteanu, O., and Mitric, A.) Model and in situ research on secondary intake by hydroelectrical plants (in Romanian), Hidrotechnica, Bucharest, Romania, II (6), 254-266, l957.

  2. Dagan G., A method of design of channels with variable discharge (in Romanian), Hidrotechnica, Bucharest, Romania, III (1), 27-30, 1958.

  3. Dagan G., The hydraulic models of bends of stable large river beds (in Romanian), Hidrotechnica, Bucharest, Romania, III (8), 1958.

  4. Dagan G., Note sur le calcul hydraulique des grilles ''par-dessous'' (in French), La Houille Blanche, 1, 59-65, 1963.

  5. J. Bear and Dagan G., Some exact solutions of interface problems by means of the hodograph method, Journ. Geoph. Res., 69(8), 1563-1572, 1964.

  6. Dagan G., Spacing of drains by an approximate method, Proc. ASCE, Journ. Irrig. and Drain. Div., 90(1), 41-56, 1964.

  7. J. Bear and Dagan G., Moving interface in coastal aquifers, Proc. ASCE, Journ. Hydr. Div., 90(4), 193-216, 1964.

  8. Dagan G., Linearized solution of unsteady deep flow toward an array of horizontal drains, Journ. Geoph. Res., 69(16), 3361-3369, 1964.

  9. Dagan G., Second-order linearized theory of free-surface flow in porous media, La Houille Blanche, 8, 901-910, 1964

  10. Dagan G., Unsteady deep flow towards drains in anisotropic soils, Journ. Geoph. Res., 70(4), 837-845, 1965

  11. J. Bear and Dagan G., The relationships between solutions of flow problems in isotropic and anisotropic soils, Journ. Hydrology, 9, 23-31, 1965.

  12. Dagan G., The steady drainage of a two-layered soil, Proc. ASCE, Journ. Irrig. and Drain. Div., 91(3), 51-65, 1965. 

  13. Dagan G., The solution of the linearized equations of free-surface in porous media, Journ. de Mecanique, 5, 207-215, 1966.

  14. Dagan G., Linearized solutions of free-surface groundwater flow with uniform recharge, Journ. Geoph. Res., 72(4), 1183-1193, 1967. 

  15. Dagan G., Two second order solutions of free-surface flow in porous media, Proc. ASCE, Journ.Eng. Mech. Div., 4, 1-8, 1967.

  16. Dagan G., The second order theory of shallow free-surface flow in porous media, The Quart. Journ.Mech. Appl. Math., XX (4), 517-526, 1967.

  17. Dagan G., Hydrodynamic dispersion in a non-homogeneous porous column, Journ.Geoph. Res., 72(16), 4075-4080, 1967.

  18. Dagan G., Second order correction of the pumping test formula, Journ.Hydr. Res., 5 (2), 127-133, 1967.

  19. Dagan G., A method of determining the permeability and effective porosity of unconfined anisotropic aquifers, Water Resour. Res., 3 (4), 1059-1071, 1967

  20. Dagan G., A derivation of Dupuit theory of steady free-surface flow toward wells by matched asymptotic expansions, Water Resour. Res., 4 (2), 403-412, 1968. 

  21. Dagan G., and J. Bear, Solving the problem of local interface upcoming in a coastal aquifer by the method of small perturbations, Journ. Hydr. Res., 6 (1), 15-44, 1968.

  22. Dagan G., Dispersivity tensor for turbulent uniform channel flow, Proc. ASCE, Journ. Hydr. Div., 5, 1699-1712, 1969.

  23. Dagan G.,and M.P. Tulin, A study of the steady flow of a rigid plastic clay beneath a driven wheel, Journ.Terramechanics, 6(2), 9-28, 1969.

  24. A Barak NS Dagan G., The flow in the saturated zone of an ice counterwasher, AIChE Journ., 16(1), 9-18, 1970.

  25. Dagan G., Plastic flow in the vicinity of a free surface, Israel Journ. Tech., 8(4), 303-306, 1970. 

  26. A. Golan and Dagan G., Effect of porous backing substrates on membrane flux in reverse osmosis systems, Desalination, 8(3), 261-275, 1970.

  27. Dagan G., Perturbation solutions of the equation of hydrodynamic dispersion in porous mediums, Water Resour. Res., 7(1), 135-142, 1971.

  28. U. Shamir and Dagan G., The motion of an interface between fresh and salt waters in the coastal aquifer: a numerical solution, Water Resour. Res., Vol. 7(3), 644-657, 1971.

  29. Dagan G., Free-surface gravity flow past a submerged cylinder, Journ. Fluid Mech., 49(1), 179-192, 1971.

  30. Dagan G., Potential flow past a body in the presence of a rigid wall, Israel Journ. Tech. 9(5), 427-431, 1971.

  31. Dagan G. and M.P. Tulin, Two-dimensional gravity free-surface flow past blunt bodies, Journ. Fluid Mech., 51(3), 529-543, 1972.

  32. M. Stiassnie and Dagan G., Waves diffraction by a detached breakwater, Proc. ASCE, Journ. Waterways, Harbours and Coastal Eng., 98(2), 209-224, 1972.

  33. M. Eldor and Dagan G., Solutions of hydrodynamic dispersion in porous media, Water Resour. Res., 8(5), 1316-1331, 1972.

  34. Dagan G., Two-dimensional free-surface gravity flow past submerged bodies: expansion in the potential plane, Israel Journ. Tech., 11(5), 341-348, 1973.

  35. M. Stiassnie and Dagan G., Wave forces on a submerged vertical plate, Journ.Eng. Math., 7(3), 35-247, 1973.

  36. Dagan G., Taylor instability of free-surface nonuniform flows, Journ. Fluid Mech., 67, 113-124, 1975.

  37. Dagan G., Waves and wave resistance of thin bodies moving at low speed: the free-surface nonlinear effect, Journ. Fluid Mech., 69, 405-417, 1975.

  38. U.I. Kroszynski and Dagan G., Well pumping in unconfined aquifers: the influence of the unsaturated zone, Water Resour. Res., 11(3), 479-491, 1975. 

  39. Y. Mualem and Dagan G., A dependent domain model of capillary hysteresis, Water Resour. Res., 11(3), 452-461, 1975.

  40. H. Neischloss and Dagan G., Convective currents in a porous layer heated from below: the influence of hydrodynamic dispersion, Phys. Fluids, Vol.18 (7), 757-761, 1975. 

  41. Dagan G., A method of computing nonlinear wave resistance of thin ships by coordinate straining. The Journ.Ship Res., 19(3), 149-154, 1975.

  42. F. Noblesse and Dagan G., Nonlinear ship-wave theories by continuous mapping, Journ. Fluid Mech., 75(2), 347-371, 1976.

  43. Y. Mualem and Dagan G., Hydraulic conductivity of soils: unified approach to the statistical models, Soil Science Soc. Am. Journ., 42(3), 392-395, 1978.

  44. Dagan G., A note of packer, slug and recovery tests in unconfined aquifers, Water Resour. Res., 14(5), 929-934, 1978.

  45. S. Bachu and Dagan G., Stability of displacement of a cold fluid by a hot fluid in a porous medium, Phys. Fluids, 22(1), 54-60, 1979.

  46. Dagan G., The generalization of Darcy's law for nonuniform flows, Water Resour. Res., 15(1), 1-7, 1979.

  47. M. Stiassnie and Dagan G., Partial reflection of water waves by non-uniform adverse currents, Journ. Fluid Mech., 92(1), 119-130, 1979.

  48. Dagan G., Models of groundwater flow in statistically homogeneous porous formations, Water Resour. Res., 15(1), 47-63, 1979.

  49. Dagan G. and E. Bresler, Solute dispersion in unsaturated heterogeneous soil at field scale I: Theory, Soil Science Soc. Am. Journ., 43(3), 461-467, 1979.

  50. E. Bresler and Dagan G., Solute dispersion in unsaturated heterogeneous soil at field scale II: Applications, Soil Science Soc. Am. Journ., 43(3), pp. 476-472, 1979.

  51. L.J. Doctors and Dagan G., Comparison of nonlinear wave-resistance theories for a two-dimensional pressure distribution, Journ. Fluid Mech., 98(3), pp.647-672, 1980.

  52. G.R. Chirlin and Dagan G., Theoretical head variograms for steady flow in statistically homogeneous aquifers, Water Resour. Res., 16(6), 1001-1016, 1980.

  53. Dagan G., Analysis of flow through heterogeneous random aquifers by the method of embedding matrix. 1. Steady flow, Water Resour. Res., 17(1), 107-122, 1981.

  54. E. Bresler, S. Dasberg, D. Russo and Dagan G., Spatial variability of crop yield as a stochastic soil process, Soil Science Soc. Am. Journ., 45(3), pp.600-605, 1981.

  55. E. Bresler and Dagan G., Convective and pore scale dispersive solute transport in unsaturated heterogeneous fields, Water Resour. Res., 17(6), pp.1683-1693, 1981.

  56. E. Bresler, Dagan G. and J. Hanks, Statistical analysis of crop yield under controlled line-source irrigation, Soil Sci.Soc.Am.Journ., 46, 841-847, 1982.

  57. T. Miloh and Dagan G., Free-surface flow past oscillating singularities at resonant frequency, Journ. Fluid Mech., 120, 139-154, l982.

  58. Dagan G., Stochastic modeling of groundwater flow by unconditional and conditional probabilities 1.Conditional simulation and the direct problem, Water Resour. Res., 18(4), 813-833, 1982.

  59. Dagan G., Stochastic modeling of groundwater flow by unconditional and conditional probabilities 2.The solute transport, Water Resour. Res., 18(4), 0835-848, 1982

  60. Dagan G., Analysis of flow through heterogeneous random aquifers 2. Unsteady flow in confined formations, Water Resour. Res., 18(5), 1571-1585, 1982.

  61. A. Tal and Dagan G., Flow toward storage tunnels beneath a water table 1. Two-dimensional flow, Water Resour. Res., 19(1), 241-249, 1983.

  62. Dagan G. and E. Bresler, Unsaturated flow in spatially variable fields 1.Derivation of models of infiltration and redistribution, Water Resour. Res., 19(2), 413-420, 1983.

  63. E. Bresler and Dagan G., Unsaturated flow in spatially variable fields 2. Application of water models to various fields, Water Resour. Res., 19(2), pp.421-428, 1983.

  64. E. Bresler and Dagan G., Unsaturated flow in spatially variable fields 3. Solute transport models and their application to two fields, Water Resour. Res., 19(2), 429-435, 1983.

  65. E. Bresler, Dagan G.,R.J. Wagenet and A. Laufer) Statistical analysis of salinity and texture effects on spatial variability of soil hydraulic conductivity, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Journ., 48, 16-25, 1984.

  66. Dagan G., Solute transport in heterogeneous porous formations, Journ. Fluid. Mech., 145, 151-177, 1984.

  67. A. Tal and Dagan G., Flow toward storage tunnels beneath a water table 2. Three-dimensional flow, Water Resour. Res., 20(9), 1216-1224, 1984.

  68. Dagan G., Stochastic modeling of groundwater flow by unconditional and conditional probabilities: the inverse problem, Water Resour. Res., 21(1), pp. 65-72, 1985.

  69. Dagan G., A note on the higher-order corrections of the head covariances in steady aquifer flow, Water Resour. Res., 21(4), 573-578, 1985.

  70. T. Miloh and Dagan G., A study of nonlinear wave resistance by integral equations in the Fourier space, Journ. Fluid Mech., 29, 433-458, 1985.

  71. E. Feinerman, E. Bresler and Dagan G., Optimization of a spatially variable resource: an illustration for irrigated crops, Water Resour. Res., 21, pp.793-800, 1985.

  72. E. Feinerman, Dagan G. and E. Bresler, Statistical inference of spatial random functions, Water Resour. Res., 22(6), 935-942, 1986.

  73. Dagan G., Statistical theory of groundwater flow and transport: pore to laboratory, laboratory to formation and formation to regional scale, Water Resour. Res., Special Anniversary Edition, 22(9), 120S-135S, 1986.

  74. Y. Rubin and Dagan G., Stochastic identification of transmissivity and effective recharge in steady groundwater flow 1. Theory, Water Resour. Res., 23(7), 1185-1192, 1987.

  75. Y. Rubin and Dagan G., Stochastic identification of transmissivity and effective recharge in steady groundwater flow 2. Case study, Water Resour. Res., 23(7), 1193-1200, 1987.

  76. E. Bresler and Dagan G., Variability of yield of an irrigated crop and its causes: 1. Statement of the problem and methodology, Water Resour. Res., Vol.24 (3), 381-388, 1988.

  77. E. Bresler and Dagan G., Variability of yield of an irrigated crop and its causes: 2. Input data and illustration of results, Water Resour. Res., Vol.24 (3), 389-394, 1988.

  78. Dagan G. and E. Bresler, Variability of yield of an irrigated crop and its causes: 3. Numerical simulation and field results, Water Resour. Res., Vol.24 (3), 395-402, 1988.

  79. Dagan G., Time-dependent macrodispersion for solute transport in anisotropic heterogeneous aquifers, Water Resour. Res., 24(9), 1491-1500, 1988.

  80. Dagan G. and Y. Rubin, Stochastic identification of recharge, transmissivity and storativity in aquifer transient flow : a quasi-steady approach, Water Resour. Res., 24(10), 1698-1710, 1988.

  81. Y. Rubin and Dagan G., Stochastic analysis of boundaries effects in head spatial variability in heterogeneous aquifers: 1. Constant head boundary, Water Resour. Res., 24(10), 1689-1697, 1988

  82. Dagan G. and V. Nguyen, A comparison of travel time and concentration approaches to modeling transport by groundwater, Journ. Contaminant Hydrology, 4, 79-91, 1989.

  83. Dagan G., and Y. Rubin, Stochastic analysis of boundaries effects in head spatial variability in heterogeneous aquifers: 2. Impervious boundary, Water Resour. Res., 25(4), 707-712, 1989.

  84. E. Feinerman, E. Bresler and Dagan G., Optimization of inputs in a spatially variable natural resource: unconditional vs. conditional analysis, Journ. Environmental Economics Management, 17, 140-154, 1989.

  85. Dagan G., Transport in heterogeneous formations: spatial moments, ergodicity and effective dispersion, Water Resour. Res., 26(6), 1281-1290, 1990.

  86. Y. Rubin, J.P. Lobo Ferreira, J.D. Rodriguez and Dagan G., Estimation of the hydraulic parameters of the Rio Maior aquifer in Portugal by using stochastic inverse modeling, Journ. Hydrology, 118, 257-279, 1990.

  87. D. Russo and Dagan G., On solute transport in a heterogeneous formation under saturated and unsaturated water flows, Water Resour. Res., 27(3), 285-292, 1991.

  88. V. Cvetkovic, Dagan G. and A. M. Shapiro, An exact solution of solute transport by one-dimensional random velocity fields, Stochastic Hydrology Hydraulics, 5(1), 45-54, 1991.

  89. P. Salandin, A. Rinaldo and Dagan G., A note on transport in stratified formations by flow tilted with respect to the bedding, Water Resour. Res., 27(11), 3009-3017, 1991.

  90. Dagan G., Dispersion of a passive solute in non-ergodic transport by steady velocity fields in heterogeneous formations, Journ. Fluid. Mech., 233, 197-210, 1991.

  91. Dagan G. and S.P. Neuman, Nonasymptotic behavior of a common Eulerian approximation for transport in random velocity fields, Water Resour. Res., 27(12), 3249-3257, 1991.

  92. Y. Rubin and Dagan G., Conditional estimation of solute travel time in heterogeneous formations: impact of transmissivity measurements, Water Resour. Res., 28(4), 1033-1040, 1992.

  93. Dagan G.,V. Cvetkovic and A. Shapiro, A solute flux approach to transport in heterogeneous formations, 1, The general framework, Water Resour. Res., 28(5), 1369-1376, 1992.

  94. V. Cvetkovic, A. Shapiro and Dagan G., A solute flux approach to transport in heterogeneous formations, 2, Uncertainty analysis, Water Resour. Res., 28(5), 1377-1388, 1992.

  95. Y. Rubin and Dagan G., A note on head and velocity covariances in three-dimensional flow through heterogeneous anisotropic porous media, Water Resour. Res., 28(5), 1463-1470, 1992.

  96. P. Indelman and Dagan G., Upscaling of permeability of anisotropic formations 1. General framework, Water Resour. Res., 29(4), 917-923, 1993.

  97. Dagan G. andP. Indelman, Upscaling of permeability of anisotropic formations 2. General structure and small perturbation analysis, Water Resour. Res., 29(4), 923-933, 1993.

  98. P. Indelman and Dagan G., Upscaling of conductivity of heterogeneous formations: general approach and application to isotropic media, TransportPorous Media, 12(2), 161-184, 1993.

  99. Dagan G., Higher-order correction of effective permeability of heterogeneous isotropic formations of lognormal conductivity distribution, TransportPorous Media, 12 (3), 279-290, 1993

  100. Dagan G., and V. Cvetkovic, Spatial moments of a kinetically sorbing solute plume in a heterogeneous aquifer, Water Resour. Res., 29(12), 4053-4062, 1993.

  101. G. Sposito and Dagan G., Predicting solute plume evolution in heterogeneous porous formations (Technical Report), Water Resour. Res., 30 (2), 585-589, 1994.

  102. V. Cvetkovic and Dagan G., Transport of kinetically sorbing solute by steady random velocity in heterogeneous porous formations, Journ. Fluid Mech., 265, 189-215, 1994.

  103. Dagan G., An exact nonlinear correction to transverse macrodispersivity for transport in heterogeneous formations, Water Resour. Res., 30 (10), 2699-2705, 1994.

  104. Dagan G., The significance of heterogeneity of evolving scales to transport in porous formations, Water Resour. Res., 30(12), 3327-3336, 1994.

  105. P. Indelman, Dagan G., A. Cheng, and D. Ouazar, Sensitivity analysis of flow in multilayered leaky aquifer systems, Journ. Hydraulic Engineering, 122(1), 41-45, 1996

  106. Dagan G. and V. Cvetkovic, Reactive transport and immiscible flow in geological media. I. General theory, Proc. Roy. Soc. London, Series A, 452 (1945), 285-301, 1996.

  107. V. Cvetkovic and Dagan G., Reactive transport and immiscible flow in geological media. II. Applications, Proc. Roy. Soc. London, Series A, 452 (1945), 303-328, 1996.

  108. I. Butera, E. Grella and Dagan G., Impact of concentration measurements upon estimation of flow and transport parameters: The Lagrangian approach, Water Resour. Res., 32 (2), 297-306, 1996.

  109. Dagan G., A. Bellin and Y. Rubin, Lagrangian analysis of transport in heterogeneous formations under transient flow conditions, Water Resour. Res., 32 (4), 891-899, 1996.

  110. P. Indelman, A. Fiori and Dagan G., Steady flow toward wells in heterogeneous formations: mean head and equivalent conductivity, Water Resour. Res., 32 (7), 1975-1984, 1996.

  111. A. Bellin, Dagan G. and Y. Rubin, The impact of head gradient transients on transport in heterogeneous formations: Application to the Borden Site, Water Resour. Res., 32 (9), 2705-2714, 1996.

  112. Dagan G.,P. Indelman and G. Moltyaner, Stochastic analysis of concentration measurements in the transport experiment at Twin Lake site, Water Resour. Res., 33 (4), 559-568, 1997.

  113. Dagan G. and A. Fiori, The influence of pore-scale dispersion on concentration statistical moments in transport through heterogeneous aquifers, Water Resour. Res., 33(7), 1595-1606, 1997

  114. Dagan G. and G.D. Zeitoun, Seawater-freshwater interface in a stratified aquifer of random permeability distribution, Journ. Contaminant Hydrology, 29(3), 185-203, 1998.

  115. A. Fiori, P. Indelman and Dagan G., Correlation structure of flow variables for steady flow toward a well with application to highly anisotropic heterogeneous formations, Water Resour. Res., 34(4), 699-708, 1998.

  116. (with D.A. Zimmerman et al), A comparison of seven geostatistically based inverse approaches to estimate transmissivities for modeling advective transport by groundwater flow, Water Resour. Res., 34(6), 1373-1413, 1998.

  117. P. Indelman, I. Touber, B. Yaron and Dagan G., Stochastic analysis of water-flow and pesticides transport in a field experiment, Journ. Contaminant Hydrology, 32(1-2), 77-97, 1998

  118. V. Cvetkovic, Dagan G.and H. Cheng, Contaminant transport in aquifers with spatially variable hydraulic and sorption properties, Proc. Royal Soc. Lond. A, 454, 2173-2207, 1998.

  119. Dagan G.and D.G. Zeitoun, Free-surface flow toward a well and interface upcoming in a stratified aquifer of random conductivity (Technical note), Water Resour. Res., 34(11), 3191-3196, 1998.

  120. A. Fiori and Dagan G., Concentration fluctuations in transport by groundwater: comparison between theory and field experiments, Water Resour. Res., 35, 102-112, 1999.

  121. P. Indelman, G. Moltyaner and Dagan G., Determining the hydraulic conductivity spatial structure at the Twin Lake Site by Grain-Size Distribution, Ground Water, 223-227, 37 (2), 1999.

  122. P. Indelman and Dagan G., Solute transport in divergent radial flow through heterogeneous porous media, Journ. Fluid Mech., 384, 159-182, 1999.

  123. Dagan G.and P. Indelman, Reactive solute transport in flow between a recharging and a pumping well in a heterogeneous aquifer, Water Resour. Res., 35, 3639-3647, 1999.

  124. A. Fiori and Dagan G., Concentration fluctuations in aquifer transport: a rigorous first-order solution and applications, Journ. Contaminant Hydrology, 45, 139-163, 2000.

  125. G. Severino, Dagan G.and C.J. van Duijn, A note on transport of a pulse of nonlinearly reactive solute in a heterogeneous formation, Computational Geosciences 4 (3),275-286, 2000.

  126. S.C. Lessoff, P. Indelman and Dagan G., A note on the influence of a constant velocity boundary condition on flow and transport in heterogeneous formations, Water Resour. Res.,36, 3095-3101, 2000         

  127. Dagan G. and S.C. Lessoff, Solute transport in heterogeneous formations of bimodal conductivity distribution 1. Theory, Water Resour. Res., 37, 465-472, 2001.

  128. S.C. Lessoff and Dagan G., Solute transport in heterogeneous formations of bimodal conductivity distribution 2. Applications, Water Resour. Res., 37, 473-480, 2001.

  129. O. Amir and Dagan G., Uniform steady free-surface flow in heterogeneous porous formations, Journ Fluid Mech, 454 , 327 – 343, 2002.

  130. A. Fiori and Dagan G., Transport of a passive scalar in a stratified porous medium, Transp. Porous Media, 47, 81-98, 2002.

  131. A. Fiori, S. Berglund, V. Cvetkovic and Dagan G., A first-order analysis of solute flux statistics in aquifers: The combined effect of pore-scale dispersion, sampling, and linear sorption kinetics, Water Resour. Res., 38, (8), article 12, 15 p., 2002.

  132. A.H. Mandell, D.G. Zeitoun and Dagan G., Salinity sources of Kefar Uria wells in the Judea group aquifer of Israel. Part 2-quantitative identification model, Journ Hydrology, 270 (1-2), 39-48, 2003.

  133. I. Jankovich, A. Fiori and Dagan G., Effective conductivity of an isotropic heterogeneous medium of lognormal conductivity distribution, Multiscale Modeling and Simulations, 1(1), 40-56, 2003.

  134. Dagan G. and A. Fiori, Time-dependent transport in heterogeneous formations of bimodal structures: 1. The model, Water Resour. Res., 39(5), art. No. 1112, doi:10.1029/2002WR001396, 8p, 2003.

  135. A. Fiori and Dagan G., Time-dependent transport in heterogeneous formations of bimodal structures: 2. Results, Water Resour. Res., 39(5), art. No. 1125, doi:10.1029/2002WR001398, 12p, 2003.

  136. Dagan G., A. Fiori and I. Jankovic, Flow and transport in highly heterogeneous formations: 1. Conceptual framework and validity of first-order approximations, Water. Resour. Res., 39(9), art No. 1268, doi:10.1029/2002WR001717, 12p., 2003.

  137. A. Fiori, I. Jankovic and Dagan G., Flow and transport in highly heterogeneous formations: 2. Semianalytical results for isotropic media, Water. Resour. Res., 39(9), art No. 1269, doi:10.1029/2002WR001719, 9p, 2003.

  138. I. Jankovic, A. Fiori and Dagan G., Flow and transport in highly heterogeneous formations: 3. Numerical simulations and comparison with theoretical results, Water. Resour. Res., 39(9), art No. 1270, doi:10.1029/2002WR001721, 13p, 2003.

  139.  I. Jankovic, A. Fiori and Dagan G., Flow and transport through two-dimensional isotropic media of binary conductivity distribution. Part 1: Numerical methodology and semi-analytical solutions, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 17(6), 370-383, 2003.

  140. A. Fiori, I. Jankovic and Dagan G., Flow and transport through two-dimensional isotropic media of binary conductivity distribution. Part 2: Numerical simulations and comparison with theoretical results, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 17(6), 384-393, 2003.

  141. Indelman P and Dagan G., A note on well boundary condition for flow through heterogeneous formations, Water Resour. Res., 40 (3),art No. WO3601, doi  10.1029/2003WR002602,7p., 2004.

  142. Dagan G., A. Fiori and I. Jankovic, Transmissivity and head covariances for flow in highly heterogeneous aquifers, Journ. Hydrology, 294 (1-3), 39-56, 2004.

  143. Dagan, G., On application of stochastic modeling of groundwater flow  and transport, Stoch. Envir. Res and Risk, Ass., 18, 266-268, 2004. 

  144. A. Fiori, I. Jankovic and Dagan G., Effective conductivity of heterogeneous multiphase media with circular inclusions, Phys. Rev. Let., Art. No. 224502, doi: 10.1103, 94(22),  June 10, 2005.

  145.  I. Jankovic, A. Fiori, R. Suribhatla and Dagan G., Identification of heterogeneous   aquifer transmissivity using an AE-based method, Ground Water, 44(1), 62-71, 2006.

  146. A.Paster, Dagan G.  and J. Guttman, The salt-water body in the Northern part ofYarkon-Taninim aquifer: Field data analysis, conceptual model and prediction, Journ. Hydrology, doi:10.1016, 323 (1-4), 154-167, 2006.

  147. I. Jankovic, A. Fiori and Dagan G., Modeling flow and transport in highly heterogeneous  three-dimensional aquifers: Ergodicity, Gaussianity, and anomalous behavior1. Conceptual issues and numerical simulations, W06D12, doi:10.1029/2005WR004734,  Water Resour. Res., 42 (6), 2006.

  148. A. Fiori, I. Jankovic and Dagan G., Modeling flow and transport in highly heterogeneous three-dimensional aquifers: Ergodicity, Gaussianity, and anomalous behavior 2.  Approximate semianalytical solution, W06D13, doi:10.1029/2005WR004752.   Water Resour. Res., 42 (6),  2006.

  149.  P. Indelman, S.C.Lessoff and Dagan G., Analytical solution to transport in three-dimensional heterogeneous well capture zones, Journ. Contaminant Hydrology, doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2006. 04.005, 87, 1-21, 2006.

  150.  Dagan G. and S. C. Lessoff, Transmissivity upscaling in numerical aquifer models  of steady well flow: Unconditional statistics, W05431,  doi:10.1029/2006WR005235,  Water Resour. Res., 43 (5), 2007.

  151.  A. Paster and Dagan G., Mixing at the interface between two fluids in porous media: a boundary layer solution, J. Fluid Mech. 584, 455-472, 2007.151.  

  152. A. Fiori, I. Jankovic, Dagan G.  and V. Cvetkovic, Ergodic transport through aquifers of non- Gaussian log conductivity distribution and occurrence of anomalous behavior, Water Resour.  Res., 43 (9), W09407, doi:10.1029/2007WR005976, 2007

  153.  Dagan G. S. C. Lessoff, Transmissivity upscaling in numerical aquifer  models of  steady well flow: Conditional statistics, W10412,  doi:10.1029/2007WR006028,  Water  Resour. Res., 43 (10), 2007.

  154.  A. Paster and Dagan G., Mixing at the interface between two fluids in aquifer well  upconing  steady flow, W05408, doi:10.1029/2007WR006510, Water Resour. Res., 44, 2008

  155.  A. Paster and Dagan G., Mixing at the interface between fresh and salt waters in 3D steady  flow with application to a pumping well in a coastal aquifer, Adv. Water Res., 31, 1565-1577,  2008.

  156.  Dagan G., A brief story of my life…,  DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2008.00469, Groundwater   44 (1), 161-166, 2009.

  157.  Dagan G. ,S. C. Lessoff and A. Fiori, Is transmissivity a meaningful property of natural  formations? Conceptual issues and model development, Water Resour. Res., 45, W03425,  doi:10.1029/2008WR007410, 2009.

  158.  Jankovic I., A. Fiori and Dagan G., The impact of local diffusion on longitudinal  macrodispersivity and its major effect upon anomalous transport in highly heterogeneous  aquifers, Adv. Water Res., doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2008.08.012., 32, 659-669, 2009.

  159.  Firmani G., Fiori A, Jankovic I. and Dagan G., Effective conductivity of random multiphase 2D media with polydisperse circular inclusions, Multiphase Model. Simul., 4 (7), 1979-2001,2009.

  160.  Janković, I., D. R. Steward, R. J. Barnes, and G. Dagan Is transverse macrodispersivity in three-dimensional groundwater transport equal to zero? Acounterexample, Water Resour. Res., 45, W08415, doi:10.1029/2009WR007741, 2009.

  161.  Fiori, A., F. Boso, F. P. J. de Barros, S. De Bartolo, A. Frampton, G. Severino, S. Suweis, and G. Dagan, An indirect assessment on the impact of connectivity of conductivity classes upon longitudinal asymptotic macrodispersivity, Water Resour. Res., 46, W08601, doi:10.1029/2009WR008590, 2010.

  162.  Lessoff, S., C. Schneidewind, C. Leven, P. Blum,P. Dietrich and G. Dagan, Spatial  Characterization of the Hydraulic Conductivity Using Direct-Push Injection Logging,  Water Resour. Res., 46, W12502, doi:10.1029/2009WR008949, 2010.

  163. Dagan, G., and S. C. Lessoff, Flow to partially penetrating wells in unconfined heterogeneous aquifers: Mean head and interpretation of pumping tests, Water Resour. Res., 47, W06520, doi:10.1029/2010WR010370, 2011.

  164. Suribhatla, R., I. Jankovic, A. Fiori, and G. Dagan, Effective conductivity of an anisotropic heterogeneous medium of random conductivity distribution, Multiscale Model. Simul., 9(3), 2011.

  165. Fiori,A., G. Dagan, and I. Jankovic, Upscaling of steady flow in three-dimensional highly heterogeneous formations, Multiscale Model. Simul., 9(3), 1162-1180, 2011.

  166. Fiori, A., I. Jankovic, and G. Dagan, The impact of local diffusion upon mass arrival of a passive solute in transport through three-dimensional highly heterogeneous aquifers, Adv. Water Res., doi:10.1016/j.advatres.2011.08.010, 34, 1563-1573, 2011.

  167.  Rabinovich, A., G. Dagan, and T. Miloh, Heat conduction in a semi-infinite medium with a  spherical inhomogeneity and time-periodic boundary temperature, Internat. Journ. Heat Mass  Transfer 55, 618–628, 2012.

  168.  Rabinovich, A., G. Dagan, and T. Miloh, Underground heat conduction near a spherical  inhomogeneity:: theory and applications, Geophysics Journal International, 189, 1521-1535, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05469.x, 2012.

  169.  Rabinovich, A., G. Dagan, and T. Miloh, Boundary effects on effective conductivity of  random heterogeneous media with spherical inclusions, Physical Review E, 86 (4), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.86.046601, 2012.

  170.  Dagan, G., A. Fiori and I. Jankovic, Upscaling of flow in heterogeneous porous formations:  Critical examination and issues of principle, Adv. Water Res., ADWR1809, DOI:10.1016/j.advwatres.2011.12.017, 67-85, 2013

  171.  Jankovic, I., A. Fiori, and G. Dagan, Effective conductivity of isotropic highly  heterogeneous formations: Numerical and theoretical issues, Water Resour. Res., 49, 1178-1183, doi:10.1029/2012WR012441, 2013.

  172.  Rabinovich, A., G. Dagan, and T. Miloh, Dynamic effective properties of heterogeneous  geological formations with spherical inclusions under periodic time variations, Geophys. Res. Let., 40, 1345-1350, doi 10.1002/grl.50319, 2013.

  173.  Fiori,A., G. Dagan, I. Jankovic,  and A. Zarlenga, The plume spreading in the MADE  transport experiment: Could it be predicted by stochastic models?, Water Resour. Res., 49, 2497-2507, doi:10.1002/wrcr.20128, 2013.

  174.  Rabinovich, A., G. Dagan, and T. Miloh,  Effective conductivity of heterogeneous aquifers in  unsteady periodic flow, Adv. Water Res., 62, 317-326, 2013

  175.  Maghrebi, M., I. Jankovic, A. Fiori, and G. Dagan, Effective retardation factor for transport of reactive solutes in highly heterogeneous porous formations , Water Resour. Res., 49 (12), 8600-8604, 10.1002/2013WR014429,, 2013

  176.  Cvetkovic, V., A. Fiori, and G. Dagan, Solute transport in aquifers of arbitrary variability: a time-domain random walk formulation, Water. Resour. Res., 50(7), 5759-5773,  DOI: 10.1002/ 2014WR015449,  2014.

  177.  Cvetkovic, V., A. Fiori, and G. Dagan , Mass Arrival in Transport through Highly  Heterogeneous Porous Formations by the MIM   (Multi Indicator Model) and the Self  Consistent Approximation. Supplementary material to (175)

  178.  Dagan, G., and A. Rabinovich, Oscillatory pumping wells in phreatic, compressible, and  homogeneous aquifers, Water Res. Res.,  50(8), 7058-7066,  doi:10.1002/2014WR015454, 2014.

  179.  Fiori, A., A. Bellin, V. Cvetkovic,. P. J. de Barros, and G. Dagan ,Stochastic modeling of solute transport in aquifers: From heterogeneity characterization to risk analysis, Water Resour. Res., 51, 6622–6648, doi:10.1002/2015WR017388, 2015

  180.  Zech, A., S. Attinger, V. Cvetkovic, G. Dagan, P. Dietrich, A. Fiori, Y.  Rubin,and G.  Teutsch, Is uniquescaling of aquifer macrodispersivity  supported by field data?, Water Resour.Res.,51, 7662–7679, doi:10.100/ 2015WR017220, 2015

  181.  Rabinovich, A., W.  Barrash, M. Cardiff,  D. Hochstetler , T. Bakhos, G. Dagan and P.Kitanidis, Frequency dependent hydraulic properties estimated from oscillatory pumping  tests in an unconfined aquifer, Journ. of Hydrology, 531,  2–16, 2015.

  182.  Fiori, A,  A. Zarlenga1, H. Gotovac, I. Jankovic3, E. Volpi, V. Cvetkovic4, and G. Dagan, Advective transport in heterogeneous aquifers: Are proxy models predictive? Water          Resour.Res.,51, 9577-9594, doi:10.1002/2015WR017118, 2015

  183.  Schwartz, J, J. Bear and G. Dagan, Groundwater development in Israel, Groundwater,  54(1), 143-148, doi:10.1111/gwat.12384, 2016

  184.  de Barros, F. P. J., A. Bellin, V. Cvetkovic,,G. Dagan, and A. Fiori , Aquifer heterogeneity controls on adverse human health effects and the concept of the  hazard attenuation factor, Water Resour. Res., 52, 5911-5922, doi:10.1002/2016WR018933,  2016

  185.  Cvetkovic, V., A. Fiori, and G. Dagan, Tracer travel and residence time distributions in highly Heterogeneous aquifers: Coupled effect of flow variability and mass transfer, Journ. Hydrology, 542, 101-108, .doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.04.072,  2016.

  186.  I. Jankovic, M. Maghrebi, A. Fiori, G. Dagan, When good statistical models of aquifer heterogeneity go right: The impact of aquifer permeability structures on 3D flow and transport, Advances in Water Resources,  100, 199- 211,  doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2016.10.024,  2017.

  187.  J.J.Gomez-Hernandez, J. J. Butler, A. Fiori, D. Bolster, V. Cvetkovic, G. Dagan, and D. Hyndman, Introduction on Modeling highly heterogeneous aquifers: Lessons learned in the  last 30 years from the MADE experiments and others, Water Resour. Res., 53, 2581 to special section –  2584., 2017

  188.  Dagan, G., Solute plume mean velocity in aquifer transport: Impact of injection and detection  modes, Advances in Water Resources, 106, 6-10, 2017.

  189.  Fiori, A,  A. Zarlenga1, I. Jankovic3, and G. Dagan. Solute transport in aquifers: The  comeback of the advection dispersion equation and the First Order Approximation, Advances in  Water Resources, 110, 349-359, 2017.

  190.  Zarlenga, A., A.Fiori, I. Jankovic3, and G. Dagan, Effective conductivity of three-dimensional  heterogeneous formations of lognormal permeability distribution: the impact of connectivity,  Water Resour. Res.,54, 2480-2486, 2018

  191.  Kan Bun Cheng, Avinoam Rabinovich, and  Gedeon Dagan, Srochastic modeling of  oscillatory pumping in heterogeneous aquifers with application to Boise aquifer test, Journ.  Hydrology, 569, 278-290, 2019

  192.  Aldo Fiori, Antonio Zarlenga, Alberto Bellin, Vladimir Cvetkovic, and Gedeon Dagan, Groundwater Contaminant Transport: Prediction Under Uncertainty, With Application to the MADE Transport Experiment, Frontiers Environmental Science,, 2019

  193. Zech, A., S. Attinger, A. Bellin,V. Cvetkovic, G. Dagan, P. Dietrich, A. Fiori, and G.  Teutsch, and G. Dagan, A Critical Analysis of Transverse Dispersivity Field Data,  Groundwater,57 (4), 632-639, 2019

  194. Bellin, A., A. Fiori, and G. Dagan, Equivalent and effective conductivities of heterogeneous aquifers for steady source flow, with illustration for hydraulic tomography, Advances in Water Resources, issue103632, 2020

  195. Cheng, K. B., Dagan, G., and Rabinovich, A. Modeling diffusivity tests in heterogeneous  aquifers: A stochastic  first-order approach. Water Resources Research, 56, e2020WR027672., 2020

  196. Zech, A., S. Attinger, A. Bellin,V. Cvetkovic, G. Dagan, P. Dietrich, A. Fiori, and G.  Teutsch, A Comparison of Six Transport Models of the MADE-1 Experiment Implemented  With Different Types of Hydraulic Data, Water Resources Research, 57, e2020WR028672, 2021

  197. Cheng, K. B., Dagan, G., Barrash, W., Cardiff, M., & Rabinovich, A statistical analysis of aquifer hydraulic properties by a continuous pumping tomography test: Application to the  Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site. Water Resources Research, 58, e2022WR032464., 2022

  198. Zech, A., S. Attinger, A. Bellin,V. Cvetkovic, G. Dagan, P. Dietrich, A. Fiori, and G.  Teutsch, Evidence Based Estimation of Macrodispersivity for Groundwater Transport  Applications, Groundwater,61 (3), 346-362, 2023

  199. Di Dato, M., Bellin, A., Cvetkovic, V.,Dagan, G., Dietrich, P., Fiori, G.Teutsch G., A. Zech, and S. Attinger, Baseflow statistics in aggregated catchments. Water Resources Research, 59, e2023WR035894., 2023

  200. Cheng, K. B., Rabinovich, A., & Dagan, G. Stochastic inversion of a tomographic pumping test: Identifying conductivity horizontal correlation and longitudinal macrodispersivity. Water  Resources Research, 60, e2023WR036256., 2024

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