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Research Interests:


  • Theory of flow through porous media

  • Groundwater hydrology

  • Water waves and naval hydrodynamics


1976 -                      Professor, Dept. of Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, Faculty of Engineering, Tel-Aviv

 University Research on: theory of flow through porous media, groundwater hydrology, water waves and naval hydrodynamics  (emeritus from 2002).


Aug. - Sept. 1995   Visiting Professor, Imperial College, London


Feb. - Aug. 1991    Miller Research Visiting Professor, University of California, Berkeley and Associate Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.


Aug. - Sept. 1991  Visiting Professor, Ecole des Mines, Paris


1985 - 1986            Visiting Professor, Dept. of Mechanical and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of California at Santa Barbara. Research on: flow through porous media


Feb. - Aug. 1979    Visiting Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Princeton University. Research on: flow through  porous media.


1963 - 1976           Member of academic staff, Dept. of Civ. Eng., Technion, IIT. Research on: theory of flow through porous media, groundwater hydrology, heat transfer in porous media, unsaturated flow in porous media,  water waves, naval hydrodynamics.


1974 - 1975           Visiting Professor and Research Engineer, Institute of Hydraulic Research, University of Iowa, Iowa. Research on: ship hydrodynamics, heat transfer to ice covers in rivers.


Aug. 1975             Visiting Professor, Dept. of Civil Eng., Princeton University


Sep. 1975              Visiting Professor, Depts. of Civil Eng. and Math., Delft University.


1967 - 1968            Visiting Senior Scientist Hydronautics Inc., Laurel Md. U.S.A. Research on: dispersion in turbulent flows, plastic flow of soils, naval hydrodynamics


July - Sep. 1966     Visiting Scientist, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. Research on: hydrodynamic dispersion and stability of miscible displacements in porous media.



1962 - 1963            Research Engineer, Technion Research and Development Foundation. Research on: groundwater flow.


1956 - 1961            Research Engineer,  The Institute of Hydraulic Research, Bucharest, Rumania. Research and development in applied hydraulics. Project topics: hydraulic features of intake structures in mountainous streams, air removal from closed vertical water flows, hydraulic device for fractional sand separation, hydrodynamics of ship launching.


Founder and academic director of the Stockholm Junior Water Prize      competition in Israel starting 1999. Organization of the annual competition with participation of tens of high school students



Associate Editor of "Water Resources Research";

Associate Editor of “Vadose Zone Journal”, Member of the International Advisory Board of "Handbook of Hydrology";

Member of the Scientific Committee of the Summer School on Environmental Dynamics of the Venice Academy of Science,

Member of the Editorial Boards of "Journal of Contaminant Hydrology", "Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics "Journal of Hydrology", "Journal of Hydraulic Research",

Associate Editor of "Transport in Porous Media"  and “Multiscale Modeling  and Simulation (a SIAM Interdisciplinary Journal)”.


Editor, books series "Environmental Fluid Mechanics" of Kluwer Academic Publishers, and Member of the Unesco Hydrology Editorial Series published by Cambridge University Press.


  • The Israeli Hydrology Union; The Israeli Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics;

  • The American Geophysical Union; The American Water Resources Association;

  • The International Association of Scientific Hydrology.

 DOCTORAL STUDENTS (Studies completed)

  • Mualem Ihezkiel, D.Sc., Civ. Eng. (1974)

  • Kroushinsky Uri, D.Sc., Civ. Eng. (1974)

  • Stiassnie Michael, D.Sc., Civ. Eng.(1977)

  • Tal Ami, Ph.D., Mech. Eng. (1983)

  • Rubin Yoram, Ph. D., Mech. Eng. (1988)

  • Lessoff Steve, Ph.D., Mech. Eng. (2000)

  • Paster Amir, M. Sc., Mech. Engnr. (2004)

  • Paster Amir, Ph. D., Mech. Engnr. (2009)

  • Rabinovich Avinoam, Ph. D., Mech. Engnr. (2014)

  • Kan Bun Cheng, Ph. D., Mech. Engnr. (2020)

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